Umm…SmashBurger, I Think I Love You

So I’m a little late to the whole SmashBurger party, but I made the mistake of going there last night. Abso-frickin’ delicious. And I know that I’m not supposed to get all excited about a chain place when I should really be seeking out that one place around the corner owned by a smiling local family that only serves up burgers made from organic corn fed beef that they slaughter themselves lovingly and with great kindness, but I don’t care! This place is grub, and I will tell anyone who will listen!

Yes. It really looks like this. A virtual Death Star of Goodness.

Their fries are lovingly soaked in rosemary and garlic and I can even opt for a fried egg on top of my burger. Pretty much the greatest thing since the automatic transmission.

In the Grand Burger Bracket in my head, my friends at Crown Burger still lay claim to Number 1, but there is a new entrant in the tie for 2nd place. Welcome to my insides, SmashBurger.

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